Blog Posts with "Seo"

Your Website and Web Accessibility in 2020

A hot topic in the web community is Website Accessibility. There have been a lot of discussions in the last year with a growing concern about this. Most people are worried about being sued if their website doesn’t have the proper accessibility standards, but others are concerned about giving everyone an opportunity to use their site with no interruptions. Honestly, we all need a vacation! So let

Blog Writing Tips with Scurto Marketing

So you have some blog topics and you’re ready to write and publish some articles. You want your content to be interesting to readers as well as provide information of value. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is key to optimize your site and its pages to be found easily. When someone is searching the internet for something specific and types in a few words, the results page shows websites in order of

5 Tips to a Better Landing Page

We all know the importance of good landing pages in our efforts to improve SEO. However, sometimes we go overboard with content, call-to-actions (CTAs) and ugly/obvious keyword stuffing. Never again! At least, that's our hope after you read this article. Remember: a landing page is one page designed to create a very specific conversion path. For example, booking a specific vacation home, selling

New “Pigeon” Update

On July 24th, Google unleashed a new search algorithm update in efforts to improve their distance and location ranking parameters. Unnamed as of yet but the public has named “Pigeon”, this update has raised many questions and added confusion to rankings. We have combed the internet and here is a summary of what we found.  Observations Since the release, random rankings and page layouts have been


Optimize Your Google Plus Business Page to Improve Local Search Ranking

You might have heard that Google Plus is falling by the wayside? Ignore that. More than ever before, Google Plus is driving your website's visibility in Local Search. And if you're not ahead of your competition, YOU might fall by the wayside. Optimizing your Google Plus Business page can have HUGE effects on your Google Local Search ranking. And if you haven't noticed, local businesses


What is Hummingbird?

On Google’s 15th birthday, a new search algorithm was revealed. Many have wondered what this means and what effects it has online. Here is a short overview on the change.  Named “Hummingbird” for being precise and fast, it was created to return better search results. While it launched in early fall, Google made the announcement on September 26th. Three years ago, “Caffeine Update” was launched


SEO Tips - Website Structure

Having a good website structure is the foundation for successful SEO . By implementing these simple, practical tips on your website, you'll ensure a solid basis for your online marketing efforts. 1. URLs Use keyword-friendly URLs. Do not nest more than 5 subdirectories deep. Example: 2. Page Titles Each page on